Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Wake Up Lion

Wake Up Lion
New Novel Café
Santa Monica, CA
9-5-09 and 9-21-09

Answer the call to greatness
Seasons shift on the last weekend of summer
Warm days relax the pulse
Where is the lion crowned in January?
Is he from the land of Oz?
He offered a real change we could believe in
The long lost tribe aroused from its slumber
Manning the stadiums
Sending emails and money
Marching to the polls in record numbers
In the far country for 40 years
He fanned our flicker of hope
A bonfire was lit
Power was his and ours

Six months on
Soaring words still excite.
But actions are an echo of the old regime
I’ll end the war!!
And now we have 60000 more troops in Bactria
Greed on Wall Street must end!
Bailouts of auto makers and no money for foreclosed homeowners
Health care must be affordable for all
Insurance companies line up for big bank

A lion was selected.
Do we have a spayed pussycat?
We thought we hired Moses or did we get Judas?
We need a David or is he a Trojan horse.

Some say he’s over his head
Perhaps he is a shill which is worse still
Hoping against hope he is no joke
But maybe it’s a rope a dope
By nature he is a harmonizer
Consensus is his way.
The opposition rabid in their hatred is rabid
Name calling and race baiting are in the air.
Yet he sees no evil and stays the high road

He says he will call out the obstructionists
Throw down the liars
The rush of vision is renewed
and the character of the man confirmed:
The leader of the age who rallies the disaffected.
He takes a stand and declares he will get the job done.
Join with me and change America.

Seasons change and the tempers of summer are cooler.
Do it Joshua.
Do it now.
Redemption time has come
Cast the moneychangers out of the temple
Tell Wall St to stop compensation for failure
Order the generals back from another civil war.
Medical care is a right not a business!

Take a stand
You’re the leader not an errand boy
Intelligence is not enough
Words offer temporary comfort
Stand up for us
For yourself
For mission and vision
You were called
Now is the time to answer
You are at the crossroads:
Cowardly lion
Lion of Judah?



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